Sunday, January 22, 2012


U know what!?

Best friends are sometimes annoying.
They said and acted differently.
In the end, please do not count on them.

It is reality tho.

No heart feeling!


Monday, January 2, 2012

Dua ribu dua belas


Selamat tahun baru 2012.
My 2011 ended up with almost a week's fever. I guess it could mencuci dosa-dosa lepas ;)
And my 2012 starts with a full list of things to be done and settled.
What an 'exciting' weeks to start with.
Assignments, finals, new classes to teach, new students to spend a year with n loads more.

Yang pasti,
Alhamdulillah ke atas Allah Swt di atas peluang yang diberikan selama ini.
Dan juga sekali lagi peluang diberikan untuk menghadapi ujianNya untuk tahun ini.

Of course, i have decided to be a better person...not for other people but for myself. It's not a small and easy thing to do but i am determined in doing so. Hope Allah could show me the way and assists me along the way. I am sure He will ;)

Maka, dengan ini...dengan azam yang baru, saya ingin tidur awal dan bangun awal pada esok hari.

Selamat malam! (",)