Monday, January 2, 2012

Dua ribu dua belas


Selamat tahun baru 2012.
My 2011 ended up with almost a week's fever. I guess it could mencuci dosa-dosa lepas ;)
And my 2012 starts with a full list of things to be done and settled.
What an 'exciting' weeks to start with.
Assignments, finals, new classes to teach, new students to spend a year with n loads more.

Yang pasti,
Alhamdulillah ke atas Allah Swt di atas peluang yang diberikan selama ini.
Dan juga sekali lagi peluang diberikan untuk menghadapi ujianNya untuk tahun ini.

Of course, i have decided to be a better person...not for other people but for myself. It's not a small and easy thing to do but i am determined in doing so. Hope Allah could show me the way and assists me along the way. I am sure He will ;)

Maka, dengan ini...dengan azam yang baru, saya ingin tidur awal dan bangun awal pada esok hari.

Selamat malam! (",)

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