Monday, October 12, 2009


1) tanggal 10/10/09 baru2 nih, genap 5 thn arwah bapaku meninggal..kejap jek rasanya duration 5 tahun tuh..macam2 dah jadi dalam pada masa tuh...but then, even though he wasn't physically in the world anymore, his sailors' friends still keep on visiting us the family. our bond with those sailors are still tight to each other...kadang2 me as the youngest daughter didn't even realized whether they are our relatives or just a family's friends. ye gap in the family is way too wide. i confessed that i don't even know the whole history of my family and relatives due to my age. . i wasn't even exposed to, indirectly maka, aku la ahli keluarga yang kurang mengenali kaum keluarga secara umumnye...hehehe or huhuhu....

this is my beloved late dad

2) semalam tiba2 teringat kat nasi goreng kerabu makcik HS Cafe masa kat UIA dulu. masa zaman campus dulu, hampir tiap-tiap malam aku n zura gi order kat HS Cafe. hampir tiap-tiap malam tuh adalah malam-malam kitorang ada practice theatre. tp yg kadang-kadang 'bengkek'nye ialah bila makan kat dalam theatre hall, mesti ada 'lalat2' yang datang menghimpit kat nasi goreng kerabu kitorang.(lalat2 tu were our boyfriends plus abg2 senior yg tak malu gak ^_^) cacat tul...tapi takpe la..kata kongsi tak leh bagi muka pun ngan diorg nih...tang nasi goreng kerabu kitorg, sedap ajek...tang suruh pi beli sendiri..mulalah ada alasan yang nasi diorg tak sedap lak...huhuhu..walaupun gerai makcik HS Cafe tuh ada macam2 citer keliwon, kitorg pedulikkan jek...sebab kitorang dh kena mandrem ngan penangan nasi goreng kerabu dia...hehehhee...

3) since i was like in primary school, there is one kedai makan operates nearby my kawasan rumah. so, sampai skang walaupun kitorang dah pindah to new house, we do still go to that kedai makan. tapi semenjak aku dah dewasa nih..aku lebih mengada-ngada skit in terms of demanding order. nak dijadikan citer, kat kedai makan nih ada satu mamat ni who is the son of the owner. we called him Edika coz his face is just like edika-one of the most popular hero remaja zaman kakak2 aku. dalam ramai2 pekerja kat kedai tuh, edika nih sorang jek yang buat air sedap. among fav aku adalah teh ice, nescafe ice and kadang-kadang milo ice. seriously, kalo org lain buat mmg tak sedap.hanya edika sorang jek sedap..kan kan cik khome?? sampai bapak edika nih dh tau kalo aku dtg n edika takde, aku takkan order air. but if edika ada, edika sendiri yang akan amik order aku. edika kata kat aku, dia mmg ada mandrem2 skit pun dlm air minuman buatan dia tu..hahaha...pedulik apa aku..dia punya minuman yg dibuat tu mmg cukup2 rasa lah... btw, the story is.......edika is no longer working at the father's shop! ada family prob skit and he migrates to KL. so skang, sapa nak buat teh ice n nescafe ice aku nih!!! uwwaaaaaaaaaaa....

p/s: khom, air neslo ko hari ni (14th) tak sedap la! uwek!

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