It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying
It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes a word to make an action
It takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction
La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to you yawn brother
It takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other
It takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some tears to make you trust
It takes some years to make it rust
It takes some dust to make it polished
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is so full of
Ah la la la la la la life is so rough
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is our love
Ah la la la la la
It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
It takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to know you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is oh love
Ah la la la la la la love is all sorts of
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is holla holla
Ah la la la la la la next up bushwalla-walla
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
~students ku didenda~
Hari ni, I went to my class as usual. It was 2-4pm class n the subject was english. Basically, I have asked the students to actually finish up their homework from yesterday's class which is to compose a formal letter since I have lectured them with the formats of writing the letter yesterday. Therefore, I entered the class with the hope that they have finished with their homework and they could submit during the class.
So, when I asked them to submit their works, eventually there was one naughty chinese boy who was actually 'stealing' his friend's letter to look at the content BECAUSE he didin't finish his letter. There it goes.....
Nak tau I buat apa? Dengan menggunakan kuasa veto I yang amat mutlak lagi saksama...hehehehe...I have instructed him to go at the back of the classroom and finished his letter writing WITH A CONDITION which was to write the letter or to finish it up BY STANDING and he was not allowed to SIT at all! Ingatkan this boy sorang jek...Rupa2nya ada lagi 2 students ni pun sama gak.So, terkantoi la lagi 2 orang tu n diorg pun cpt2 moved to the back of the classroom and did like what I have instucted before. Dah tua2 pun kena denda lagi diorg nih. Yang seronok sekali masa ni were their friends. Since class ni only consists of 11 students which is the least number frm the other classes, their bond are so strong. Thus, these 3 students- 2 boys and 1 gurl had took about 1 hour to finish up their 'instant' letter.
Therefore, with their permission, I will post their candid photos in my blog. There were soo sporting and they kinda enjoyed their moment of truth. ahahhaa... To be honest, this month is actually the month that I always being kejam to ppl out there including my students as well. But, it's ok..since they knew and I have told them, I did this was all because I LUV THEM SO MUCH! n this is one way in showing it so...(ada ker?)
this is the naughty boy b4 I entered the class & after I denda him.Still senyum tuh.. (",)
The only gurl yg kena denda. Kejamkan I nih..!?? Warrgghhh!!!
and this is the another boy. huhuhu..Syian dirog nih..
Tapi takpe, esk we all dah plan nak buat lawatan satu campus at 10am for two hours. We'll take lots of photos and I would post it here with the story. And yeah, they are not going for jalan-jalan but instead we have so-called 'field work'. Ingat english subject takde field work ker? hehehe... So Irda, bila u nak buat 'field work' u? Till then, Cheerio! (",)
utk kesh
nowadays, i kesian kat my friend yang sorang ni. he's my colleague as well as my officemate. this month alone, he had locked his room with his car n room keys in the office. n for how many times he had to walk back n forth to the HEA to get the extra keys kept by the staffs. and just now, yeah 5 minutes ago, for how many times dia dok locked n unlocked his room. i was not sure if he had missed things and unfortunately if he did, he had missed it one by one but what i did was to keep on looking at his actions and make sure that he has his room&car keys on his hand or at least dangled at the knob. Because this is basically lunch hour time and there wud be definitely no staffs at HEA. kesian u kesh... but it's ok..nothing bad happens!
kesh is not clumsy but he's actually too occupied. i understand that in his head n brain, he has LOTSSS of things n matters to think of. n i don't really have to list it out. yg penting he has LOTSSS of it n he's trying his best in accomplishing ALL. so, i guess that wud be one of his reasons for forgetting his keys too often. hahaha..too bad...
to kesh: i wish all the best to u and all your current responsibilties as we (k an, k mil n me) had said "you are the best and that's why people especially HIM had gives u the trust to handle everything". But then, give urself a break as well yeah!?
kesh is not clumsy but he's actually too occupied. i understand that in his head n brain, he has LOTSSS of things n matters to think of. n i don't really have to list it out. yg penting he has LOTSSS of it n he's trying his best in accomplishing ALL. so, i guess that wud be one of his reasons for forgetting his keys too often. hahaha..too bad...
to kesh: i wish all the best to u and all your current responsibilties as we (k an, k mil n me) had said "you are the best and that's why people especially HIM had gives u the trust to handle everything". But then, give urself a break as well yeah!?
yang sebenarnya.
kiliiniikiinginmiliihkin risihitiikipidikiliin. ikitiksikikihidipinikisikiring, bikiklihikitikbirsyikirdingintihintiiiki ikitiknikligipikirpikirbindibindiyingtidikfiidihnyibigiiki. tipiikinimicimtiksidir. kinipiikikicihgilirniksikisikingindii? diibikinnyisikikitikipinmilihindiitidikpindingikipinlinsing, sijinginnikjidipirigiciritimbi-singgihmimilikinkiimdinsikisikikitisibigiipirimpiin. ikirisiikitikyihlihnikpikirnbiingmisinginpirkirinismii.tikdifiidih.kiliidijidihidili.
ihjipihjipmiikn! ntihntihikisikidiipinlipisdiikitidiisikit n sibinirninyiiikicimikisiinkindiijik.bikinnyiipipinikijikbidihkicihkicih.
Monday, February 23, 2009
saya rindu sama dia
Semalam, saya telah melakukan sesuatu yang membuatkan saya teringat pada dia. Walaupun dulu saya pernah membencinya dan juga pernah bergaduh dengannya...tetapi persahabatan kami terjalin kembali. Bila kita rapat dengan seseorang, amat susah tika kita bergaduh dengannya dan amat payah sekiranya kita ingin melarikan diri atau menjauhkan diri darinya. Sebabnya, kita mungkin terlalu rapat dengan dia sebelum ini. Apatah lagi, pergaduhan itu tidaklah sebesar mana. Tetapi jika pergaduhan itu besar sekali pun, perhubungan di atas nama persahabatan amat kuat sekaligus mengatasi segala-galanya.
Semalam, apabila saya melakukan kesalahan itu, terngiang-ngiang di telinga saya kemarahan dan bebelan yang datang daripada dia tentang kesalahan yang serupa yang saya telah lakukan dahulu. Saya pernah melakukannya sekali dan juga beberapa kali tanpa pengetahuan dia...dan kini yakni semalam..saya telah melakukannya sekali lagi tanpa niat setelah sudah lama saya tidak melakukannya. Terus terang saya katakan, saya tidak bermaksud apa-apa. segala-galanya berlaku tanpa dirancang dan saya berjanji tidak akan melakukannya lagi di masa hadapan. Saya amat berharap dia dapat memahami dan mempercayai saya lagi. Saya tahu dia berniat baik dan ikhlas terhadap saya cuma saya yang tidak mengambil pusing tentang keikhlasan dan kejujurannya.
DIA YANG DIMAKSUDKAN: NIZAM @ IJAM(panggilan manja oleh ishan terhadapnya kerana hanya ishan yang manja dengannya).
MAKLUMAT TAMBAHAN: rakan AMAT KARIB thinker & ishan juga MAMA Hot.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
dolphin dan saya
saya mempunyai satu perasaan sekarang. perasaan seperti bercakap dengan dolphin ketika saya bercakap dgn dia. sudah tentu dia saya anggapkan seperti ikan dolphin. ya-hakikat ttg dolphin itu comel mmg benar. tetapi dia tidaklah secomel dolphin sbb saya yg secomel dolphin. i know that-thanx.
berbalik pada dia. kenapa saya compare kan dia dgn dolphin? kerana kita sedia maklum bahawa dolphin itu bijak tapi ...... (anda sendiri simpulkan)
p/s: bukan awak... cuma siapa yg makan cili pasti terasa pedas....ahakss
(",) cheerio!
berbalik pada dia. kenapa saya compare kan dia dgn dolphin? kerana kita sedia maklum bahawa dolphin itu bijak tapi ...... (anda sendiri simpulkan)
p/s: bukan awak... cuma siapa yg makan cili pasti terasa pedas....ahakss
(",) cheerio!
Friday, February 20, 2009
This is dedicated to all my friends especially him and another him. Friendship means a lot to us and hopefully it never ends. We shall be side by side and though it is not mentioned, we knew that, aight!? Love both of ya! (",)
They love you but they are not your lover...
They care for you but they are not from your family...
They are ready to share your pain but they are not in your blood relation..
They are....
True friend scolds like a DAD!
Cares like a MOM!
Teases like a SISTER!
Iritates like a BROTHER!
and finally...
Do you know the relation between your two eyes?
blink together,
move together,
cry together,
see things together
& sleep together.
Though they never see each other,
FRIENDSHIP should be just like that..
Life is missing without FRIENDS!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Last sunday, I went to Bukit Cahaya Sri Alam or better known as 'Bukit Cerakah'. I was supposed to attend a 3-day students' program. However, I just attended the program on the Sunday itself because my slot would be on only Sunday. I was actually the facilitator for the LDK (Latihan Dalam Kumpulan) slot. This program was meant to "memanthopkan" students' achievements. There were about 61 students in total. We, as the faci (6 of us) would take over the slot in conducting the LDK with 10 students for each group.
I was actually hoping that if I could get any students that I did not teach last semester or even the one that I am teaching currently. It just that, at least I could get the chance to know the other students as well. But, it seems that out of 10 students in my group, only 3 students that I have never taught them. The other 7 are and were my students. Out of the 3 new faces, 1 of them was actually once travalled with me before but it just that I have mis-forgotten that. So, basically, we have sort of 2 missions in the LDK. First was to get to know them better by conducting modules that are more into orientation-like. The second however was a mission where at the same time, we would do some games to actually bring out and discover any pros and cons/ difficulties in studying or personal/etc. that the students were having or are having right now. Just to make sure that they are and were in the right track.
It was fun though during the session. But it was actully been distracted and disturbed by the monkeys there. There were a lot of it and they keep on coming to our area to get food and drinks. The students told me the gurls were actually sleeping in the tents. Meanwhile, the boys were sleeping in a big chalet. This was because, the organizer had no enough tents to actually cater the number of male students. So what had happened was, while the gurls went out to attend the talk on the Saturday, these monkeys went to the gurls' tents. Even so the gurls had zipped up the tents, these 'clever' creatures had went to the tents and unzipped the tents by themselves. We thought that they were actually looking out for food. But, guess what!? They took out the students' compact powder frm I donno where, and they started to apply the powder to the 'friend'. So, they were actually doing the act at the same time. Like 'aku make-up kau n kau make-up aku'. And mind you, this was really happening. It was told by the committees that were supposed to look after the students. So, one of the committee had silently followed the monkeys to the tent. And this was what really happened as witnessed by one of the committees. And, the most funniest part was once these 2 monkeys had done 'make-up ing' each other, they were actually shocked by each others face. Bak kata in Malay, 'torkojut berok aku!' hahahha...comel kan this creatures? But trust me, ini je yang comel (the incident)..yg lain2 x comel.
Back to the LDK, Kesh(one of the facis) had suggested that we should have a fun competition in creating our cheers according to the group. So, as usual, my group must be and should be the 'glamourous' group it suits the faci (me la...) hahahaha.... So, I guess i'll just post some pics for ya'all to view. By the way, it was fun to have an outer activity out of the academic purposes. The students were really enjoying themselves and it was such a relieve situation for them to spend the weekend of.

From left back row: arif fitri, diba, seri & safwan(roi)
From left middle row: asri, azrol (pokyo) & arif
From left front row: hakim, nusya & aishah
tekun membincangkan ttg cheers yg nak dibuat

adik manis: nusya, diba, seri & aishah
Sunday, February 15, 2009
gua kena tag ngan nana
1. How old are you?
- Proudly 27 years old (dem, i'm getting old...)
2. Are you single?
- poorly I am still but best gak..freeee.....
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
- hahaha... x leh den nak jwb. i think i'll get married anytime. sometimes, everyday i think i nak kawen..but sometimes everyday i rasa x nak kawen lansung.
4. Do you think you'll b marrying the person you are with now?
- Sedih giler! Coz now i'm with NO ONE! uuwwaaa....
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
6. Who will be you bridesmaid and bestman?
- Khom n Roin, i'm offering both of u. Sorang tolong kipaskan i n sorang lagi lap2 peluh muka i.. Bestman..sapo2 jo lah...
7. Do you want a garden/beach wedding or traditional wedding?
- Sangat traditional.
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
- I plan to go to the room. hahhaha... Seriously i wanna go to KARLOVY VARY.
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
- Everyone. I kan nak kawen ngan anak raja. Tp bukan anak raja gopal okay...
10. Will that include you exes?
- Yes of course, but not the first one.
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
- Yang tak berlayer
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
- After subuh. Is it possible..? (pukul bape lak nak bgn make up nih?)
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding:
- Lagu "I say a little pray for you" so called theme song My Best Friend Wedding. Tapi mampus i kena m*** ngan relatives my mum sebelah k'tan. hahahah...
14. Do prefer dine dining or just normal spoon, fork and knife?
- Ntah la...Mana2 bleh kot.. asalkan makanan masuk dlm mulut dan terus ke perut.huhuhu...
15. Champagne or red wine?
- Air zam-zam. Masyaallah...apa champagne and wine nih...huhuhuh
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
-Right after the wedding, itu namanya mencari NAHAS! Rumah tak siap bersih n kemas nak beromantika plak... Sure kena bamboo.. hahhaa...
17. Money or household items?
- Equally needed
18. How many kids would you like to have?
- Kuang 3x...
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
- Which part of the honeymoon??? hhmm.....
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
- NO ONE. coz aku mmg kejam!
- Proudly 27 years old (dem, i'm getting old...)
2. Are you single?
- poorly I am still but best gak..freeee.....
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
- hahaha... x leh den nak jwb. i think i'll get married anytime. sometimes, everyday i think i nak kawen..but sometimes everyday i rasa x nak kawen lansung.
4. Do you think you'll b marrying the person you are with now?
- Sedih giler! Coz now i'm with NO ONE! uuwwaaa....
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
6. Who will be you bridesmaid and bestman?
- Khom n Roin, i'm offering both of u. Sorang tolong kipaskan i n sorang lagi lap2 peluh muka i.. Bestman..sapo2 jo lah...
7. Do you want a garden/beach wedding or traditional wedding?
- Sangat traditional.
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
- I plan to go to the room. hahhaha... Seriously i wanna go to KARLOVY VARY.
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
- Everyone. I kan nak kawen ngan anak raja. Tp bukan anak raja gopal okay...
10. Will that include you exes?
- Yes of course, but not the first one.
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
- Yang tak berlayer
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
- After subuh. Is it possible..? (pukul bape lak nak bgn make up nih?)
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding:
- Lagu "I say a little pray for you" so called theme song My Best Friend Wedding. Tapi mampus i kena m*** ngan relatives my mum sebelah k'tan. hahahah...
14. Do prefer dine dining or just normal spoon, fork and knife?
- Ntah la...Mana2 bleh kot.. asalkan makanan masuk dlm mulut dan terus ke perut.huhuhu...
15. Champagne or red wine?
- Air zam-zam. Masyaallah...apa champagne and wine nih...huhuhuh
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
-Right after the wedding, itu namanya mencari NAHAS! Rumah tak siap bersih n kemas nak beromantika plak... Sure kena bamboo.. hahhaa...
17. Money or household items?
- Equally needed
18. How many kids would you like to have?
- Kuang 3x...
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
- Which part of the honeymoon??? hhmm.....
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
- NO ONE. coz aku mmg kejam!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
perempuan dan lelaki di hari itu.
Hey there! The coming weekend ni amatlah dinanti-nanti oleh sesetengah manusia. Sebab apa? Sebab 14th February just nicely will be landing on Saturday. Kan ke hari itu Valentine's Day. I xde kena mengena sangat ngan this day. Definitely will not be celebrating it since I'm still poorly single and yes I know..x baik celebrate benda-benda yahudi nih. huhuhuhu...



But, nak buek camno!? Kakak den ada kedai n kedai dia ni dok sibuk nak menjual barang-barang untuk Valentine's. And frankly speaking, sales untuk Valentine's Day will be one of the most sales yang paling tinggi in a year. Roughly, the sales can be up to 7k for ONE day. (Amazing tak?) And yang paling amazing nya adalah...... pembeli-pembeli barang2 n cards for Valentine's Day are mostly the students of UiTM Shah Alam. Since my sis's shop is situated in Shah Alam, so there it goes!
Sekarang ni pun (lebih kurang seminggu before 14th) orang dah sibuk dok beli cards dah. Cards memang macam goreng pisang panas. Same goes to kedai yang satu lagi kat Kelana Jaya gak. Kat KJ lak, students UNITAR but ada gak publics yang lain. And I still remember, last year's Valentine's Day jatuh pada minggu students UiTM cuti. Amatla sunyi kedai my sis. Ada gak la sales but kureng skit ar..
So, sempena Valentine's Day tahun ni (and thn2 sebelumnya), my sis and I akan come out with ideas for Valenyine's Day. Last year, kitorg buat package barang-barang ML n Victoria's Secret. Tapi, students UiTM mana kenal brand2 overseas nih. Nak-nak lagi boyfriend diorg yang agak kureng skit taste kan..(poket pun kureng gak). But for this year, kitorg berbalik pada concept lama where we just do some bouquets of fake flowers and bears+chocs etc. Harga lak paling-paling kureng dlm rm20++ and sampai mencecah rm100++. Masa mula-mula buat all those packages, kitorg cuak gak takut tak laku..but tak yah risau..on the day itself..mesti laku gak..TRUST ME!
Citer pasal laku x laku ni..gue ada satu citer. This is basically based on my experience working at the shop during those celebration. Lelaki dan perempuan ada cara dia yang tersendiri.
Okay, perempuan first. Valentine's Cards selalunya laku kerana perempuan. Ini adalah kerana, hanya perempuan jek yang sukakan kata2 dlm cards tuh. and usually they 'meant' it. Guys, jarang skit ngan cards nih. Kat kedai my sis, barang-barang utk guys kurang. So, these girls will buy the present from outside and come to our shop to have a nice wrapping. And they will put the card that they bought from the shop. So that basically the girls.
And guys, they are actually a bit monotonous. Dapat lak lelaki yang kurang jiwa romantik or jiwa yang berperasaan (except for jiwa cinta la). Diorang ni akan ke cards rack and they will simply buy any cards yang sedap mata diorg memandang. Amat jarang sekali kita boleh lihat yang diorg ni spend more than 5 minutes in front of the varieties of Valentine's cards. TRUST ME! For the gifts- here we are for! Packages and bouquets that we did are all for them- the GUYS. Kat sini, guys ada 3 types:
1) diorg akan ke hulu ke hilir dalam kedai (tengok2 brg). But, at the end, they will just grab any bears or soft toys or even Valentine's custom-made pillows and bring it to the counter (cashier). They will have it wrap and ta's DONE! A Valentine's card and present.
2) this type of guy will just go straight to the display counter where they have seen the packages or bouquets- pick one and then to the cards rack and take one card and without further a due they'll go the cashier. Take out the amount and pay for it. JUST AS SIMPLE AS THAT.
3) this is my FAVOURITE CUSTOMER of all. The first thing that they will do once they get into the shop is to come to us- the cashier and sometimes to any staffs that they can see there and then. Sambil tersipu-sipu malu, they'll ask us - "Erm..saya nak kasik hadiah Valentine's kat girlfriend saya tapi saya tak tahu nak kasik apa yang sesuai. Korang boleh tolong tak? Selalunya perempuan nak apa yek?" Ini adalah diologue yang sangat standard. Dan kami sebagai staff yang paling ramah dan baik budi pekerti akan menjalankan tugas kami dengan berhematnya. Nak tahu kenapa? Sebabnya, customer yang macam ni tidak akan sesekali menidakkan pilihan kitorg dan yang penting sekali mereka tidak kisah tentang HARGA barang2 pilihan kitorg. Itu yang kitorg sgt suka dan sayang pada guys yang macam ni. hehehee... Bukan sahaja hadiah, wrapping paper, ribbons, box kitorg pilihkan (selalunya yg harga mahal n cun la), card Valentine's pun kitorg yang pilih. Dan yang amat sangat DAIF & NAIF adalah kitorg yang tuliskan card untuk girlfriend diorg and mind you! wording pun kitorg yang punya wording tau.
4) n last sekali, lelaki yang suka keluar masuk kedai sepuluh kali tapi tak dapat decide and terus tak beli apa-apa pun.
So, that's basically what would be the girls and guys do/behave before and during Valentine's Day shopping. While I am writing this up, rindu lak ngan karenah2 pembeli kat kedai. Ada macam-macam perangai manusia ni. Ada gak satu artis ni (p'puan and nama dia starts with Z), dia beli 7/9 Valentine's Cards. She's married with 2 sons. Mungkin dia ada cara tersendiri nak kasik card tu kat hubby dia kot. (",) And this year, kalau ada masa gue akan gi tolong kat kedai my sis. But, I have event to attend to for the 3 days from friday. Hope I can just hop in and out during those days. My sis yang sorang ni lak (the owner), awal2 dah tempah my eldest sis utk jaga my nephew for the whole week.
So, i attached here some of the bouquets yang i sempat tangkap gambar (some of it jek). Model lelaki tu is my beloved nephew and anak kepada owner kedai. Happy day!





Friday, February 6, 2009
entry dajal
first of all, assalamualaikum.
hari ni my day started quite badly. i never liked to bebel n scold my student(s). kalau boleh saya ni jenis yang tak nak make things complicated. i used to be a student back then. i know what a student wants from their lecturer. dan di atas pengetahuan itulah, maka saya ini boleh dikategorikan lecturer yang agak sporting. i want to approach my student with something more subtle but yet easy to be delivered and accepted. tapi, semua ni ada hadnya. kalau student tak suka saya marah2 n bebel, so, jangan lah buat saya terpaksa marah or bebel. student kena ingat, kalau lecturer marah, mesti berasas. dia takkan marah2 sesuka hati dia - KECUALI mmg lecturer tu mental. so far yang saya ingat, hanya 2 kali jek saya pernah marah n bebel yang extreme. itu pun sebab memang saya tak boleh tahan dah. and diorg kena ingat satu perkara- diorg ingat saya ni suka ke marah2 n bebel? bila saya mula membebel, saya automatically akan membuatkan diri saya mcm org2 tua yg suka membebel. dan ini adalah satu perkara yang saya mmg tak gemar. saya masih muda dan jangan buat saya rasa atau bertindak tua. parah akibatnya. akibatnya, diorg yang kena dengar bebelan saya yang kadang2 to one extend boleh melukakan perasaan diorg. dan saya bagi pihak yang marah, sama sekali TIDAK AKAN ada belas kasihan. dan jangan menagih simpati dari saya. U MESSED UP WITH ME, YOU FACE IT! as a conclusion, if you want me to help you, you help yourself first!!!
dan di atas sebab hari ini adalah hari yang saya agak bengang walau pun saya sudah berada di rumah, maka dengan tidak semena-mena nya saya akan post gambar ini. saya jumpa gambar ini ketika saya sedang menjalani therapy menyejukkan otak dengan mengdelete email yang sudah berjumlah 300++. saya berharap tuan punya gambar dapat memaafkan saya. kerana saya pun tidak tahu atas apa TUJUAN saya meng'post'kan gambar anda di dalam entry kali ini. dan ia sesuai dengan tajuk entry kali ini iaitu ENTRY DAJAL. tetapi, percayalah, saya tidak berniat sama sekali utk mendajalkan mana2 pihak. sesungguhnya dengan menge'post' gambar ini, kebengangan saya akan agak berkurangan kerana apabila membaca entry ini, tuan punya gambar pula yang akan merasa BENGANG...
p/s: bukan saya saje yang bengang lepas ini. saya dah ada kawan utk bengang bersama2 walau pun saya sendiri yg mengakibatkan dia bengang.
hari ni my day started quite badly. i never liked to bebel n scold my student(s). kalau boleh saya ni jenis yang tak nak make things complicated. i used to be a student back then. i know what a student wants from their lecturer. dan di atas pengetahuan itulah, maka saya ini boleh dikategorikan lecturer yang agak sporting. i want to approach my student with something more subtle but yet easy to be delivered and accepted. tapi, semua ni ada hadnya. kalau student tak suka saya marah2 n bebel, so, jangan lah buat saya terpaksa marah or bebel. student kena ingat, kalau lecturer marah, mesti berasas. dia takkan marah2 sesuka hati dia - KECUALI mmg lecturer tu mental. so far yang saya ingat, hanya 2 kali jek saya pernah marah n bebel yang extreme. itu pun sebab memang saya tak boleh tahan dah. and diorg kena ingat satu perkara- diorg ingat saya ni suka ke marah2 n bebel? bila saya mula membebel, saya automatically akan membuatkan diri saya mcm org2 tua yg suka membebel. dan ini adalah satu perkara yang saya mmg tak gemar. saya masih muda dan jangan buat saya rasa atau bertindak tua. parah akibatnya. akibatnya, diorg yang kena dengar bebelan saya yang kadang2 to one extend boleh melukakan perasaan diorg. dan saya bagi pihak yang marah, sama sekali TIDAK AKAN ada belas kasihan. dan jangan menagih simpati dari saya. U MESSED UP WITH ME, YOU FACE IT! as a conclusion, if you want me to help you, you help yourself first!!!
dan di atas sebab hari ini adalah hari yang saya agak bengang walau pun saya sudah berada di rumah, maka dengan tidak semena-mena nya saya akan post gambar ini. saya jumpa gambar ini ketika saya sedang menjalani therapy menyejukkan otak dengan mengdelete email yang sudah berjumlah 300++. saya berharap tuan punya gambar dapat memaafkan saya. kerana saya pun tidak tahu atas apa TUJUAN saya meng'post'kan gambar anda di dalam entry kali ini. dan ia sesuai dengan tajuk entry kali ini iaitu ENTRY DAJAL. tetapi, percayalah, saya tidak berniat sama sekali utk mendajalkan mana2 pihak. sesungguhnya dengan menge'post' gambar ini, kebengangan saya akan agak berkurangan kerana apabila membaca entry ini, tuan punya gambar pula yang akan merasa BENGANG...
p/s: bukan saya saje yang bengang lepas ini. saya dah ada kawan utk bengang bersama2 walau pun saya sendiri yg mengakibatkan dia bengang.
# maafkan saya. saya tidak sampai hati untuk menge'post' gambar yang dimaksudkan. sesungguhnya hati saya ini mulia walau pun di dalam keadaan yang masih AMAT BENGANG! jadi kalo sesiapa yang ingin melihat gambar tersebut secara private, maka anda requestla kepada saya. insyaallah, saya akan benarkan anda menatapinya secara individu. dan sesungguhnya sabar itu separuh daripada iman. saya akan berpegang pada pernyataan itu.
sekian, wassalam.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
my current obession
semenjak dua menjak ni, things running smoothly. though i am quite bz with the new semester, but so far so good. like he said- kita harus 'bijak' mengurus masa. well, i assume that i am not bijak enuf coz i can't manage my time 'bijak'ly. i am not really into multitasking though. i can but i prefer not to. however, so many things had happened either with or without expectation. the latest is about my missing friend. alhamdulillah, he was already found and what can i say- life is full of unexpectations. k, enuf with that matter.

ahha..this is my edward cullen! isn't he charming!!?? however, i like the character in the novels much more than this guy coz he just acted as edward in the muvee. anyway, dia handsome pun.
p/s: edward cullen is a VAMPIRE- which is more tempting. hhmm.... ~nyum-nyum~
sedar tak sedar, i've been in this profession nearly 2 years-particularly in shah alam. and since then, i can say that i hardly enjoy my time as in having a specific self moment with whatever that makes me to appreciate life better. sometimes, we do need time alone by ourself a.k.a muhasabah diri. it's a good practice though. i always do that while driving alone to work back & forth. since new year ni, banyak jugaklah perubahan2 yang i try to make in my life. what i want to be and do this year is to appreciate myself better, to be thankful always, and simply enjoying my single woman life. so, basically, i have started gardening which is actually the last option if i were to be given choices to choose. tiba-tiba lak this year, my hormones and neurons change bit by bit. how? turning myself frm the things which i at the beginning are no so fond of. dalam erti kata lain, pada mulanya i 'kureng' dgn benda tu, tp tiba-tiba skang i bleh terima plak.
n sekarang ni, tanpa i perasan, i have started to fall in luv with reading. i am really not into reading (lagi-lagi semenjak i graduated). the last time i read(itu pun agak terpaksa) ketika i was still in uni. my term of reading is actually specified to reading books-like novels, motivational books, etc. however, currently i was in my journey to finish up 4 novels of stephanie meyer. i have done with twilight and new moon(hhoorraYY!!) and now i am in my way to read up eclipse and of coz not to be forgotten breaking dawn which is the last sequel of the first novel(twilight). i am now have begun to realize how fun reading is! it is sort of like a therapy. though everday i have to come across reading (where i do study before the classes), i found that by reading novel n etc will not actually burden up my mind for continuing reading. dulu, i sangka reading cud not bring much benefits except for adding ur knowledge, but now, i have realized how it actually comlement those activities. i tak tau nak decribe mcm mane, tp i suka lah baca buku! hahaha.. my statement will sound awkward but to me it is not. sebabnya, i ni asalnye org yg tidak gemar membaca lansung. jadi perubahan ini adalah perubahan yg amat positive. umur nak masuk 27, baru nak terhegeh-hegeh suka membaca. hahahaha...(",)
tetapi, ada org yg x suka tgk saya membaca. nak tau siapa???
tentulah bondaku. karena, i akan hanya duduk diam pada satu bahagian di ruang tamu. dan tiba-tiba di dalam diam i sedang membaca, i akan ketawa, bercakap, menangis, bersungut n marah2 seorang diri. itu adalah akibat drpd focus pembacaan - maka itulah hasilnya.
since i have mentioned that i am currently reading novels of stephanie meyer and my fond of reading, another thing eevetually had occured frm that activities. i am now so deeply in luv with the character in the novels. i am in luv with edward cullen. mostly the gurls wud understand why i am feeling so. the guys wud however sort of criticize the character. ye la, if the guys pun in luv with the character, sah-sah la dia agak gay. comment!
so, basically i am so happy with my life and i appreciate everything that had happened and will happen. di sebaliknya pasti ada hikmah. (",)

ahha..this is my edward cullen! isn't he charming!!?? however, i like the character in the novels much more than this guy coz he just acted as edward in the muvee. anyway, dia handsome pun.
p/s: edward cullen is a VAMPIRE- which is more tempting. hhmm.... ~nyum-nyum~
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